Filament4mo ago

`TextInput` `distinct` v3 equivalent in v2?

In v3 i do:
Now i have to do it also in a v2 project, but idk how to. which would be the equivalent?
// ->distinct() (method doesn't exist in v2)
// ->distinct() (method doesn't exist in v2)
2 Replies
Tieme4mo ago
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ericmp4mo ago
thankss crazy, but this way seems it works
function () {
return function (string $attribute, $value, \Closure $fail) {
$explodedDotNotationPath = explode('.', $attribute);

$field = $this->mountedTableActionData['fields'][$explodedDotNotationPath[2]];

$fieldOptionNames = collect($field['options'])->pluck('name')->toArray();

$count = array_count_values($fieldOptionNames)[$value] ?? 0;

$isNotUnique = $count > 1;

if ($isNotUnique) {
$fail(__('The name must be unique'));
function () {
return function (string $attribute, $value, \Closure $fail) {
$explodedDotNotationPath = explode('.', $attribute);

$field = $this->mountedTableActionData['fields'][$explodedDotNotationPath[2]];

$fieldOptionNames = collect($field['options'])->pluck('name')->toArray();

$count = array_count_values($fieldOptionNames)[$value] ?? 0;

$isNotUnique = $count > 1;

if ($isNotUnique) {
$fail(__('The name must be unique'));
what do u think xd? im overcomplicating it, or u would do the same aprox? its inside a repeater, that's why i just dont do: rules(['distinct']), since wont actually checks it
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