C#4mo ago
Młody G

Entity framework core - database

I created a database in ASP.NET Core (MVC) using Entity Framework Core. The ASP.NET Core application I created is only used to display the contents of the database. Now I want to create a WPF application that will allow adding records to the database. How can I connect the existing database to the WPF application? Do I need to recreate migrations? I use mssql
3 Replies
Jimmacle4mo ago
i would move the EFC related code (context, models) to a separate project and reference it from your MVC app and WPF app
Młody G
Młody G4mo ago
Thank you for you respond, but i decided to create wpf as UI and web api. That is much better i think than connect wpf to database.
Jimmacle4mo ago
yes, it is generally better for one application to "own" the database and control how the data can be accessed