Windmill4mo ago

BigQuery API did not answer query in time

I'm playing around with Windmill Cloud (trial). I've created a BigQuery resource and a SQL script that uses that resource:
-- @schema (string)
-- @table (string)

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE FORMAT("SELECT * FROM %s.%s LIMIT 100", @schema, @table)
-- @schema (string)
-- @table (string)

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE FORMAT("SELECT * FROM %s.%s LIMIT 100", @schema, @table)
When I test the script with certain tables I get "BigQuery API did not answer query in time". Any idea what is going on here?
9 Replies
rubenf4mo ago
Do you have the same issue using a big query library in python or typescript ?
agib4mo ago
Hmm I didn't try directly. Would I just use the resource dict to make the bigquery connection? I was having trouble with:
from google.cloud import bigquery
from google.oauth2 import service_account
from google.cloud import bigquery
from google.oauth2 import service_account
in python
agib4mo ago
No description
agib4mo ago
No description
agib4mo ago
Ah, fixed with:
No description
agib4mo ago
Ah yup ok so using the python libraries worked fine
rubenf4mo ago
@Hugo when you have time if you could look at that one
Hugo C.
Hugo C.4mo ago
we have a timeout of 10s on bigquery queries, should i increase it to 200s (maximum)?
rubenf4mo ago
you can increase it to the instance max timeout the same one we have for normal jobs