How to custom notifications content after export

Hi guys, quick question, I've created an export and I'd like to modify the content of the notifications once an export is finished, for the moment I have this content but I can't find how to modify it.
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4 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch4mo ago
You modified your fallback_language in config/app.php to a language that's definitely is not fallback. You just need to adjsut the translations for your language
Bryan Labielle
Bryan Labielle4mo ago
Oh yeah, you're right. Thank you!
Bryan Labielle
Bryan Labielle4mo ago
And how can I translate the labels I'm interested in? For example, this label . I've published the notification translation file but I don't know how to translate it
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Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch4mo ago
This is explained in the Laravel docs. Does that explain it to you?
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