Webflow 201- Getting the Hero Image

In the hero post, how did you get the second hero image to export with the correct crop. I can probably figure it out myself. I could either crop the image in figma or get the entire image and use css to crop it. But since it was already exported in your video I was wondering how you did it? Thanks a lot
5 Replies
AtomicZBRA4mo ago
Hey! Just so I know, are you talking about the Webflow 201 course?
staybalanced4mo ago
Hey Patrick! I should have put that in the title but yes I am.
AtomicZBRA4mo ago
Okay cool! And you’re trying to export the image from figma with the right dimensions for the hero background image right?
AtomicZBRA4mo ago
I've personally always found it easiest to export the full image from figma and then use the css tools in webflow to get the right crop on the image that I want. There's a lot of options in the 'Fit' panel, and if you click the three dots, you'll see the positioning options as well, so you can always make sure the image lines up where you need it to
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staybalanced4mo ago
ah I see ok I will give that a try, thank you Patrick