C#4mo ago

✅ Creating an installer for application

You know how when you download an application off the internet, click to open the application and it goes through an installation screen where you do some setup questions (sometimes) and it does a loading bar showing the installation progress? How do I create that? The only thing I can think of is to have like a setup.json file with a boolean key,value pair. Set it to False by default, then when the application runs for the first time, it's doing the installation, sets the boolean value to true in the setup.json file so that when the user runs the application again, it does something different.
4 Replies
Lex Li
Lex Li4mo ago
That really depends on what kind of installers you want to build. MSI/MSIX each have tons of commercial/open source tools out there. A search engine can better guide you.
Mekasu01244mo ago
what about NSIS?
Lex Li
Lex Li4mo ago
Depending on your personal preference. WiX is more common for .NET apps. VS installer is built on WiX.
Mekasu01244mo ago
i just found that one too. looking at it now