Msgbox help

how can i create a msgbox with custom "dialog button", i mean, not a form, a msgbox with custom dialog buttons
4 Replies
230V4mo ago
if the options from here are not sufficient for you, you'll need to create a Form for this
MessageBoxButtons Enum (System.Windows.Forms)
Specifies constants defining which buttons to display on a MessageBox.
Lex Li
Lex Li4mo ago
You can feel free to use the new TaskDialog since Windows Vista, which supports many kinds of customization.
TaskDialog Class (System.Windows.Forms)
A task dialog allows to display information and get simple input from the user. It is similar to a MessageBox (in that it is formatted by the operating system) but provides a lot more features.
Sir Rufo
Sir Rufo4mo ago
GitHub - ookii-dialogs/ookii-dialogs-winforms: Awesome dialogs for ...
Awesome dialogs for Windows Desktop applications built with Microsoft .NET (WinForms) - ookii-dialogs/ookii-dialogs-winforms
Ultimate Riser
Ultimate Riser4mo ago
I don't understand how to use it Damn Simply how to import it The methods are pretty simple and similar to show() of Messagebox
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