createOptionUsing on select not called in livewire component

Hey guys, I tried to add a form to a livewire component which works really well. Now I created a select field (Tag) with a relationship with the option to add a new Tag. I created "createOptionForm" on the select which is working fine and I wanted to include a logic, that it returns firstOrCreate on that creation. I added "createOptionUsing" as well, but unfortunately this method is not called somehow. I don't know why this is not working.. :/ Has someone an idea? My code:
class CreateProducts extends Component implements HasForms
use InteractsWithForms;

public ?array $data = [];

public function mount(): void

public function form(Form $form): Form
return $form->schema([
->createOptionForm(function () {
return [
})->createOptionUsing(function ($data) {
dd($data); // This is never called, instead the form is submitted and the Tag will be created.
->relationship(name: 'tags', titleAttribute: 'name')

public function render(): View
return view('products.create-products');
class CreateProducts extends Component implements HasForms
use InteractsWithForms;

public ?array $data = [];

public function mount(): void

public function form(Form $form): Form
return $form->schema([
->createOptionForm(function () {
return [
})->createOptionUsing(function ($data) {
dd($data); // This is never called, instead the form is submitted and the Tag will be created.
->relationship(name: 'tags', titleAttribute: 'name')

public function render(): View
return view('products.create-products');
<x-slot name="header">
<h2 class="font-semibold text-xl text-gray-800 leading-tight">
{{ __('Create product') }}
<div class="max-w-7xl mx-auto py-10 sm:px-6 lg:px-8">

<form wire:submit="create">
{{ $this->form }}

<x-filament-actions::modals />
<x-slot name="header">
<h2 class="font-semibold text-xl text-gray-800 leading-tight">
{{ __('Create product') }}
<div class="max-w-7xl mx-auto py-10 sm:px-6 lg:px-8">

<form wire:submit="create">
{{ $this->form }}

<x-filament-actions::modals />
found the problem: ->relationship has much functions inside - including createOptionUsing, which overwrites my own function. placing "->relationship" on top of "->createOptionUsing" works.. 😄...
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6 Replies
LeandroFerreira4mo ago
Does the modal open?
d3v1anX4mo ago
yes, it opens
LeandroFerreira4mo ago
hum, it is multiple
d3v1anX4mo ago
found the problem: ->relationship has much functions inside - including createOptionUsing, which overwrites my own function. placing "->relationship" on top of "->createOptionUsing" works.. 😄
LeandroFerreira4mo ago
hum, good catch!
d3v1anX4mo ago
thanks for your trying to help @Leandro Ferreira 🙂