RunPod4mo ago

502 error when trying to connect to SD Pod HTTP Service on Runpod

I've been following along with this tutorial - everything was going smoothly until it cam time to connect to A1111 (steps 10-11 in the link). Rather than asking for my username and password, it produced a 502 error for which the error page is set to the ReadMe. In the ReadMe, it says to wait for the GPU utilization to come down to 0% before connecting otherwise you'll get a 502 Error. I double-checked and it definitely was at 0%. I restarted the pod - same issue. I stopped/exited the pod and restarted it - same issue. Anyone run into this or have any idea as to what it may be?
10 Replies
ashleyk4mo ago
1. Which tutorial, you didn't link it? 2. Check container logs, it was most likely still syncing to the applications to /workspace and you didn't wait long enough for the syncing to complete.
daveh0.4mo ago
Automation Switch
Stable Diffusion Setup On RunPod Cloud 2024
By the end of this article, you will have your own stable diffusion setup in the cloud and be able to create your own Stable Diffusion artwork
daveh0.4mo ago
Checking log now
ashleyk4mo ago
Looks like its the RunPod official template for A1111, you have to wait for syncing to complete, it takes a few minutes and much longer if you're using secure cloud in a region that supports network volumes.
daveh0.4mo ago
I'm using community cloud. Just started it up again now
ashleyk4mo ago
Ah then it should only take about 2-5 mins to sync
daveh0.4mo ago
The last log line says "launching webui with arguments....". Does that mean it's still loading?
daveh0.4mo ago
It's been running 7 minutes...
No description
ashleyk4mo ago
Check container logs, should say something about exporting environment variables
daveh0.4mo ago
There's an error from 1 of the steps in the tutorial 2024-02-22T12:18:12.603550603Z launch.py: error: unrecognized arguments: –gradio-auth daveh0112:geen~roodje I went to webui-user..sh to remove it, but it's not there Nevermind found it. Restarted pad I'm in. Thanks for reminding me to check the logs