Select in repeater

Hello everyone I have this select component in a repeater
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, Set $set){
$workPoint = WorkPoint::find((int) $state);

if ($workPoint) {

->options(function (Get $get, $state) {
return WorkPoint::where('company_id', $get('../../company_id'))
->pluck('name', 'id');
->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, Set $set){
$workPoint = WorkPoint::find((int) $state);

if ($workPoint) {

->options(function (Get $get, $state) {
return WorkPoint::where('company_id', $get('../../company_id'))
->pluck('name', 'id');
When I add a new item to a repeater, I need the options in the select to exclude those already selected in other items. How can I do this?
2 Replies
Umar Farooq
Umar Farooq4mo ago
How to dynamically update select options · filamentphp filament · D...
I have a dropdown that I would like to update the options based on when another field is changed, how do I go about updating it. I would like to run a Closure is an ideal world.
DianaMujoiu4mo ago
Thank you, I will try it I think is not working in repeater