GEON4mo ago

Raptor HE Gaming Switch

Hello Can i use Raptor HE Gaming Switch with atk68
24 Replies
GEON4mo ago
ATK68 uses 2 different types of switches, to know exactly which one it uses, please remove yours and share a picture with us and we will check for compatibility.
Hutaoismy4mo ago
I didn't received ATK68 yet but this is picture from youtube i buy this version too
Hutaoismy4mo ago
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GEON4mo ago
can't be this is a gateron ks-37b can't compatible with raptor he
Hutaoismy4mo ago
is RAESHA version can?
GEON4mo ago
I dont know what is the raesha
Hutaoismy4mo ago
when i buy it have 2 switch its raesha and gateron-37b
Hutaoismy4mo ago
i think raesha is this one
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Hutaoismy4mo ago
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GEON4mo ago
it can not be
Ednah4mo ago
It just seems like both versions use the same PCB with just different switches, so raptor won't be compatible with either 'versions'
Hutaoismy4mo ago
okay thank u hope u release for this sry i have more question can i use raptor with mongeek m1 he or akko mod007 he
blur4mo ago
yeah, those ones will take raptor switches. though i’ve heard the software for the Akko/Monsgeek HE boards is pretty mediocre Keychron has an HE board in pre order, it’s going to release in April. the software for their board probably will be decent if you want a 75% :) https://www.keychron.com/products/keychron-q1-he-qmk-wireless-custom-keyboard?variant=40734574805081
BermudaBoy3mo ago
So you're saying that this will work with the switch? I want to make sure
blur3mo ago
yup, looking at pics of the keychron HE pcb and comparing it to the raptors, they look compatible
BermudaBoy3mo ago
I was genuinely super worried about this
blur3mo ago
for visual comparison between the stock gateron hall effect switches in the keychron and the geon raptors:
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BermudaBoy3mo ago
One person told me no and that it's a ks 37 or something Which I don't understand
blur3mo ago
that was on a different board wasnt it? those were optical i believe different from HE i can do more looking
BermudaBoy3mo ago
If you don't mind I don't want to buy a 200 buck paper weight Wdym, what are you referring to
blur3mo ago
nvm, i thought the atk68 board was optical they just use some other odd thing basically, the raptors and wooting lekker switches use a version of HE and a few other companies are starting to stick to that standard i think the keychron HE board will be fitting that standard as well but it's so hard to find definite evidence haha
BermudaBoy3mo ago
So I shouldn't buy it based on what you're saying Based on looking at it, it seems like it would be fine but the issue is that since I'm so new to these things, I don't want to say anything or do anything and screw myself over
blur3mo ago
no yeah i totally get that. the only other thing i could suggest is possibly emailing keychron directly to see if they will support raptor switches
BermudaBoy3mo ago
I just did I sent an email to geon like last week and never got a response, so it is what it is
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