Wow! Thanks for the amazingly fast

Wow! Thanks for the amazingly fast response. I will check out that info and post an update back here.
Number48182d ago
No prob... when you get the right Lvars.. you can enter them in TelemFFB in the axis control section. You'll want to use the "L:lvarname" format. And you'll want to copy/paste the string into the TelemFFB window.. typing into those fields is currently bugged. This is an example of the SWS PC-12 which uses a custom var for the ailerons. It also does not use the standard +/- 16384 range, but rather +/- 1.0
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MGBDave82d ago
Got it. And they do work, but I'm not sure I'm getting full range. It seems the Lvars are looking for +/-100 as the range. I am using the 1 option, and it certainly isn't wrong by a factor of 10, but when I get some more time, I'll test with a regular joystick to see the range difference, if any. Thanks again!
Number48182d ago
We should make the bit range scaling editable like the var name.. but from that view you can only pick the pre-defined values. I think you should be able to enter any value you want though if you use the offline/sim editor interface though.. I have not tested it however 🙂 just thinking of ways to get you operational
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