Where to put @livewire('database-notifications')

The docs say put this in your blade layout. https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/notifications/database-notifications Do I need to create an override for views/components/layout/simple.blade.php and add it here or is there a better way to do it?
11 Replies
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin4mo ago
using the admin panel?
acroninja4mo ago
Haha! Thank you so much. Don't you just love an RTFM question :-).
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin4mo ago
my favourite
Gaurav4mo ago
I'm facing the same issue. I've appended ->databaseNotifications() to the panel config. But I don't see any notifications for imports/export. Further, this link https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/notifications/database-notifications talks about a trigger button and a modal. I don't see where I can add the trigger button, and no modal is visible in the rendered HTML structure either.
Gaurav4mo ago
Scratch that. Just updated filament and that solved the issue.
Ramon.vV4mo ago
So, how exactly did you fix this? I'm having the same problems, update didn't help.
Gaurav4mo ago
>Just updated filament and that solved the issue.
Ramon.vV3mo ago
Weird.. doesn't help at all for me
christmex3mo ago
i did faced the same issue before, trying to update your filament to the latest version and make sure u add ->databaseNotification() inside your adminServiceProvider, maybe u need to clear the cache idk, just try it, first i also think that i need to create a blade file, but its not anyways, thats it
Ramon.vV3mo ago
Ty, turns out I was being stupid by forgetting to turn on my queue worker lol
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