requiredWithoutAll() validation being ignored

I'm using a Form Builder form in a regular Livewire component. Simple validations on the fields (required, email) work fine. But I have three fields with a requiredWithoutAll rule for the other two. So field1 has
. These rules get ignored. No error messages and nothing in the logs. Just goes along and submits without any issue. I can put a secondary validation in the Livewire component itself which does catch them but it (a) makes for an ugly UX difference and (b) for some reason, custom error messages aren't working there. Any ideas why these rules aren't getting triggered?
2 Replies
arne_becker3mo ago
I have the same issue, but with requiredWithout()
phydeaux3mo ago
I ended up having to put a specific validation for my three fields in the Livewire component method that the form uses for wire:submit. It works fine but I really don't like the UI switch. Still no clue why it doesn't work as documented but I couldn't spend any more time chasing it down.