C#4mo ago

✅ Dotnet SDK install problems

I used the install script from MS, and followed the troubleshooting steps given in the dotnet-vsc gh repo. I am still getting no output from which dotnet, but you can clearly see an exe dotnet in ~/.dotnet. Am I missing something?
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22 Replies
mtreit4mo ago
Does dotnet --info output anything?
Damon4mo ago
Command not found
mtreit4mo ago
Is that linux?
Damon4mo ago
mtreit4mo ago
I just did this on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-8.0
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-8.0
And it worked fine for me. I mainly use Windows however.
Damon4mo ago
That will probably work. Curious why that wasnt the command on the MS help page 🤔
mtreit4mo ago
Which page?
Damon4mo ago
Install .NET on Linux without using a package manager - .NET
Demonstrates how to install the .NET SDK and the .NET Runtime on Linux without a package manager. Use the install script or manually extract the binaries.
mtreit4mo ago
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Not sure why that wouldn't work either. But if you are installing it yourself you can probably just use apt
Damon4mo ago
That's worked now. Thanks for you help
reflectronic4mo ago
because you are on the page named "install .NET on linux without using a package manager" so the method which installs .NET using a package manager is not listed
jcotton424mo ago
was ~/.dotnet on your PATH?
Damon4mo ago
Yes, the installer bash script adds it to path
jcotton424mo ago
that's not what I asked meant was it in $PATH in your shell's session? b/c that's all the matters, if you didn't restart your shell or the script did something wrong it wouldn't have been on PATH
Damon4mo ago
I didn't check and that session is long since gone, so I can't verify one way or the other Though I wouldve thought which wouldve found the exe in the pwd
reflectronic4mo ago
it does not, it only looks in PATH so, it must not have been in PATH which makes sense, because the dotnet-install script does not add dotnet to PATH. it is not meant to be used as a general-purpose installer
Damon4mo ago
bin_path="$(get_absolute_path "$(combine_paths "$install_root" "$bin_folder_relative_path")")"
if [ "$no_path" = false ]; then
say "Adding to current process PATH: \`$bin_path\`. Note: This change will be visible only when sourcing script."
export PATH="$bin_path":"$PATH"
say "Binaries of dotnet can be found in $bin_path"
bin_path="$(get_absolute_path "$(combine_paths "$install_root" "$bin_folder_relative_path")")"
if [ "$no_path" = false ]; then
say "Adding to current process PATH: \`$bin_path\`. Note: This change will be visible only when sourcing script."
export PATH="$bin_path":"$PATH"
say "Binaries of dotnet can be found in $bin_path"
Did I misinterpret this part?
reflectronic4mo ago
well. if you started a new session then it'd be gone
Damon4mo ago
At that time it was the same session when which failed to find Anyhow, no matter - all is resolved
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