Filamentβ€’4mo ago

Usage of Filament input Component/select with searchable and multiple inside blade

Hey all I want to use the Filament input select outside of Filament but in a blade: <x-filament::input.wrapper> <x-filament::input.select wire:model="User" multiple searchable> <option value="draft">Draft</option> <option value="reviewing">Reviewing</option> <option value="published">Published</option> </x-filament::input.select> </x-filament::input.wrapper> This is not shown as in filament and the searchable functionality is not provided as you can see in the screenshot. So my question is: "what is needed to use a filament input select with multiple and searchable inside a blade? Thanks in advance
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7 Replies
toekneeβ€’4mo ago
you need to include the filament views into your tailwind config builder or atleast the view which loads the filament input
ArnoNymβ€’4mo ago
Thanks for your very fast reply. Can you give me an example or a link on how to do that? All i found is adding purge: [ './vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pagination/resources/views/*.blade.php', // ... ], to tailwind.config.js is that the correct way?
toekneeβ€’4mo ago
So that's purge. as per the documentation, you need to include the filament into the config for the content content: [ './vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pagination/resources/views/.blade.php', './vendor/laravel/**/.blade.php', './vendor/laravel///.blade.php', './storage/framework/views/.php', './resources/views//*.blade.php', './vendor/filament//*.blade.php', ], as an example for my one
ArnoNymβ€’4mo ago
Sadly that was not the problem. It seems like the tailwind css was already attached to the view. only the text type changed but neither the appearance of the component nor the searchable became functional. Any other suggestions?
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ArnoNymβ€’4mo ago
Anyone has another suggestion what i am doing wrong? Thanks in advance πŸ™‚
toekneeβ€’4mo ago
Does you app load in the filament forms JS? Why not use the native form builder on the component?