How do I use solid for reactivity without a build step?

I like solid as a frontend library, and I want to use it as a "vanilla" state management library for reactivity. However, I'm confused why running this script without bundling does nothing:
import { createRoot, createSignal, createEffect } from "solid-js";

const root = createRoot(() => {
const [counter, setCounter] = createSignal(0);
createEffect(() => {

return {

import { createRoot, createSignal, createEffect } from "solid-js";

const root = createRoot(() => {
const [counter, setCounter] = createSignal(0);
createEffect(() => {

return {

After I bundle (using rollup or bun) and run the script, my effect runs and logs the value of counter, like I expect. How does bundling make reactivity work, even without using babel?
4 Replies
foolswisdom3mo ago
I assume you are running this in node? The library exports a version with updates disabled (effects are just stubs in this version), for use with server side web. You need to set the appropriate flags to import the browser version I'm not sure what those are exactly, having never done it myself, but it's definitely been discussed arround here before, perhaps you can do a search
vveisard3mo ago
Okay, so the root cause is conditional exports of the package.json. With node you can use the --conditions flag. Not sure for bun. I'll see what I can do, thanks!
vveisard3mo ago
Found a post in a GitHub related to this, posting in case anyone stumbles across this Discord forum post
Difference between the node and browser environment · solidjs solid...
Hi, please look at this very simple and meaningless code (playground). This code use only regular Solid functions, there is no compilation and code transformations. As you can see, the createMirror...
Jarred3mo ago
The —conditions flag was added in Bun v1.0.30, which released about 8 hours ago
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