how can i create nested options and sub options in select form ?

i have nested categories and sub categories which i wanna display in select option. how should i do that?
You probably want a #codewithdennis-select-tree
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6 Replies
matin rajabi
matin rajabi4mo ago
no it's more than two level. for example A,B,C are main categories and sub categories are like this: A > AA > x , B > BB > BBB > y, C > CC > z. each category has different children and more than 2 children
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch4mo ago
You probably want a #codewithdennis-select-tree
matin rajabi
matin rajabi4mo ago
god! i spend days to find something usefull!! really appreciate man thanks alot🤝
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch4mo ago
Instead of spending day, why aren't you just going to our website and search for plugins 😉
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matin rajabi
matin rajabi4mo ago
that's right. do you have any solution for this problem: i want to base on selection on first step of wizard, check database and display dome input in step 3 of wizard. i mean displaying fields dynamic based on query result.