Missing New panel resources - links don't appear on sidebar - 404-Not found

Hello. I have been developing an app since the beginning of February and everthing was Ok. I have been creating 11 new resources and everytime their appeared on the sidebar menu. Today I have created two new resources and no links appear. If I manually type the url => it works perfectly. Even the links to and But I cannot see the links to the two new resources. I have run:
composer update
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan optimize
php artisan view:clear
composer update
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan optimize
php artisan view:clear
But those two new links don't appear. I have no Policies created yet. Any ideas of what can be happening. I'm really puzzled.
php artisan filament:clear-cached-components
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9 Replies
Albert Lens
Albert Lens5mo ago
Now I am getting a 404 - NOT FOUND typing the url manually. I don't understand anything. I have not done anything in the last hour and suddenly what worked (type the url manually) now I am getting a 404 Any ideas of what can be happening? Nothing could be done. Not working. Something became corrupt after many hours and weeks of work. Finally started a new project from scratch and began copying resources, models, migrations and so on and it is working again. Could not discover what happened. How frightening!
developer5mo ago
same problem, did you find a solution?
krekas5mo ago
Maybe it has something to do with auto discovery and caching?
developer5mo ago
composer update
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan optimize
php artisan view:clear
composer update
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan optimize
php artisan view:clear
not working how to force auto-discovery or something?
developer5mo ago
php artisan filament:clear-cached-components
developer5mo ago
lemme try it @krekas thank you, I didn't know that it works ✅
krekas5mo ago
I think this one fairly new
Albert Lens
Albert Lens5mo ago
Thanks mate!!! It is a fantastic solutions just in case it happens to me again. This time I started over my project from scratch again, but this could have saved me a lot of tiem. Thanks and I'll take this into account in future.