Windmill•3mo ago

Workflows as Code | Windmill

We are releasing in beta Workflow as code for Python and Typescript. No more excuse to use Airflow or Prefect: https://www.windmill.dev/docs/core_concepts/workflows_as_code
from wmill import task

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# The pin is important since task is a decorator available only from 1.286.2


##You can specify tag to run the task on a specific type of worker
def heavy_compute(n: int):
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, 4), columns=list('ABCD'))
return df.sum().sum()

def send_result(res: int, email: str):
# logs of the subtask are available in the main task logs
print(f"Sending result {res} to {email}")
return "OK"

def main(n: int):
l = []

# to run things in parallel, simply use multiprocessing Pool map instead: https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html
for i in range(n):
return send_result(sum(l), "example@example.com")
from wmill import task

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# The pin is important since task is a decorator available only from 1.286.2


##You can specify tag to run the task on a specific type of worker
def heavy_compute(n: int):
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, 4), columns=list('ABCD'))
return df.sum().sum()

def send_result(res: int, email: str):
# logs of the subtask are available in the main task logs
print(f"Sending result {res} to {email}")
return "OK"

def main(n: int):
l = []

# to run things in parallel, simply use multiprocessing Pool map instead: https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html
for i in range(n):
return send_result(sum(l), "example@example.com")
Workflows as Code | Windmill
Flows are not the only way to write distributed programs that execute distinct jobs. Another approach is to write a program that defines the jobs and their dependencies, and then execute that program. This is known as workflows as code.
7 Replies
fr3fou•2mo ago
hey, are there plans on making a typescript decorator? the API for ts does seem annoying to use
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rubenf•2mo ago
issue is typescript doesn't allow decorator at top level, it require to declare a class which is also annoying
fr3fou•2mo ago
damn, i forgot would you be interested in supporting alternative class based approach though? @flow and @task decorators seem like a neat idea
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fr3fou•2mo ago
import { task } from 'windmill-client';

export const hello = task((name: string) => {
return 'Hello:' + name;

export async function main() {
//It's the function itself that needs to be wrapped with task, and it's always a promise even
await task('BAR');
return task('FOO');
import { task } from 'windmill-client';

export const hello = task((name: string) => {
return 'Hello:' + name;

export async function main() {
//It's the function itself that needs to be wrapped with task, and it's always a promise even
await task('BAR');
return task('FOO');
yeah that doesn't look that bad small update - you can't do this
InternalErr: Internal: Could not add completed job 018eb467-59be-90bb-ee5d-5ddfa1a0f5d4: error returned from database: invalid input syntax for type json
seems like the individual tasks have to use the function hello(...) syntax and therefore the windmill.task() call must be done in main() me and @invakid404 also did some further tests and for some reason the tasks can't destructure objects inline:
import { task } from 'windmill-client';

type HelloArgs = {
id: string
name: string

async function hello({ id, name }: HelloArgs) {
return 'Hello:' + name + id;

export async function main() {
await task(hello)({id: 'asdf', name: 'fefe'});
import { task } from 'windmill-client';

type HelloArgs = {
id: string
name: string

async function hello({ id, name }: HelloArgs) {
return 'Hello:' + name + id;

export async function main() {
await task(hello)({id: 'asdf', name: 'fefe'});
Error: Job 018eb466-87ee-1607-3b3c-cadb4504bab6 was not successful: {"name":"ExecutionErr","message":"error during execution of the script:\nmain function was not findable (expected to find 'export function main(...)'"}
actually, the example i gave isn't related to the destructuring 🤔 we did however fix an error regarding "right hand destructuring assignment" by removing the inline arg destructuring
rubenf•2mo ago
@fr3fou I don't know if you saw but the task code is open-source: https://github.com/windmill-labs/windmill/blob/main/typescript-client/client.ts#L188
windmill/typescript-client/client.ts at main · windmill-labs/windmill
Open-source developer platform to turn scripts into workflows and UIs. Fastest workflow engine (5x vs Airflow). Open-source alternative to Airplane and Retool. - windmill-labs/windmill
rubenf•2mo ago
it's possible to contribute with your own syntax sugar