Lavalink problem or Module problem (Need Help)

Hello, I'm trying to develop a musicbot using the moonlink.js module, and I wonder if it's a module problem or a labarlink problem. At first, I wrote and developed the source code myself, but Labarink caused an error, so I proceeded with a testbot just in case, but the same problem occurs.
Feel free to give a sincere feedback about NodeLink ❤️
제스퍼71d ago
제스퍼71d ago
moonlink.js/testBot at v3 · Ecliptia/moonlink.js
MoonLink.js is a simple package for lavalink client, perfect for you to create your discord bot with songs, and very simple and easy to use. - Ecliptia/moonlink.js
제스퍼71d ago
Bot log
[ Client ]: Logged in as: bot#7963
@Moonlink - moonlink.js has started the initialization process, do not attempt to use functions until everything is initialized correctly
@Moonlink(Structure) - The main class and database are assigned to structure :)
@Moonlink(Nodes) - The node has been added, and is starting its initialization process
@Moonlink(Nodes) - Structure(Nodes) was successfully initialized and assigned the value of the main class and checked the nodes
@Moonlink(Players) - Structure(Players) has been initialized, and assigned the value of the main class
@Moonlink(Node) - The Node has been connected successfully
@Moonlink(Node) - session was resumed, session is currently pp66f6778zschop4
@Moonlink(Nodes) - Resuming configured
@Moonlink(Nodes) - A new lavalink server is being drawn, sorting the type players
@Moonlink(Players) - A server player was created (1163120824975380601)
@Moonlink(Nodes) - A new lavalink server is being drawn, sorting the type memory
[ @Moonlink/Nodes ]: The queue is empty
[ Client ]: Logged in as: bot#7963
@Moonlink - moonlink.js has started the initialization process, do not attempt to use functions until everything is initialized correctly
@Moonlink(Structure) - The main class and database are assigned to structure :)
@Moonlink(Nodes) - The node has been added, and is starting its initialization process
@Moonlink(Nodes) - Structure(Nodes) was successfully initialized and assigned the value of the main class and checked the nodes
@Moonlink(Players) - Structure(Players) has been initialized, and assigned the value of the main class
@Moonlink(Node) - The Node has been connected successfully
@Moonlink(Node) - session was resumed, session is currently pp66f6778zschop4
@Moonlink(Nodes) - Resuming configured
@Moonlink(Nodes) - A new lavalink server is being drawn, sorting the type players
@Moonlink(Players) - A server player was created (1163120824975380601)
@Moonlink(Nodes) - A new lavalink server is being drawn, sorting the type memory
[ @Moonlink/Nodes ]: The queue is empty
Lavalink: 4.0.3 Node: 20.11.0
like-gold71d ago
Same issue as the person on the #talk, 400s, try NodeLink It's a LavaLink issue indeed
1Lucas1.apk71d ago
Hello, this problem is affecting the entire Lavalink community (400) there is also (403) which is coming little by little, an alternative use NodeLink, or is to look for the fix branch for this 400 on the lavalink server
제스퍼70d ago
@1Lucas1.apk @ThePedroo Changing from lavalink to nodelink fixed the issue, thanks to both of you!
like-gold70d ago
Feel free to give a sincere feedback about NodeLink ❤️
optimistic-gold70d ago
Thank you for marking this question as solved!