C#3mo ago

✅ Mock class doesn't exist after moving files around even though it does

I moved some files into a view folder and now it can't find a mock class I have in the View-Controller. It even sees the prediction for the class yet it doesn't see it still. I've closed VS, I've cleaned and rebuilt the solution etc. Idk what else to do/try. Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error XDG0008 The name "XtreamMyMockClass" does not exist in the namespace "clr-namespace:X_IPTV.Views". X-IPTV C:\source\repos\Desktop-IPTV-Browser\X-IPTV\Views\XtreamChannelList.xaml 14
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3 Replies
jcotton423mo ago
MODiX3mo ago
* close VS * remove the hidden folder .vs * remove all bin and obj folder next to each csproj (DO NOT TOUCH THE .git FOLDER OR WHAT'S INSIDE) * restart vs
primetime433mo ago
woooow that fixed it. I cant believe thats what it was. Thanks so much