Is it possible for `.net` to create exe files smaller than 1kb?

In general, I've been trying to do something related to the smallest exe files lately In my searches, I've seen that the smallest .net-based exe file appears to be 1kb: At the same time, I've also seen some even smaller exe files for native X64 that are just over two hundred bytes: I'm wondering if it's possible for .net based exe files to be smaller than 1kb?In my current experiments I've tried removing the NUL byte at the end of the generated exe file, but the program will become unrunnable.
How small is the smallest .NET Hello World binary?
Here is a dumb question that you probably never asked yourself: What is the minimal amount of bytes we need to store in a .NET executable to have the CLR print the string"Hello, World!" to the standard output?
GitHub - ayaka14732/TinyPE-on-Win10: Smallest (268 bytes) 64-bit Po...
Smallest (268 bytes) 64-bit Portable Executable (PE) file that displays a message box on Windows 10 - ayaka14732/TinyPE-on-Win10
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