C#3mo ago

simple calculator

i want to code an simple calculator and i want if i type an anything than number console says enter an number
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6 Replies
Pobiega3mo ago
use int.TryParse C# is a strictly typed language, so your code as is doesnt really make any sense int number1 means number1 can only hold int - therefor, your if statement below cant work
light3mo ago
i got it string value; int res; Console.WriteLine("enter an number lol"); int number1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("enter another number"); int number2 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("put ,/,-,+"); string symbol = Console.ReadLine(); switch (symbol) { case "": res = number1 * number2; Console.WriteLine(res); break; case "/": res = number1 / number2; Console.WriteLine(res); break; case "+": res = number1 + number2; Console.WriteLine(res); break; case "-": res = number1 - number2; Console.WriteLine(res); break;
} Console.WriteLine("wana continue (y) (n)"); value = Console.ReadLine(); while (value == "y" || value == "Y") ; but how can i like when i say Y it would repeat the code again?
Joschi3mo ago
MODiX3mo ago
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light3mo ago
wait i didnt? mb
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