C#3mo ago

Method doesnt exist, but i have the correct package

Im currently trying to use the Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications NuGet package to send windows notifications, but the .Show() method doesn't exist. On the documentation (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/design/shell/tiles-and-notifications/send-local-toast?tabs=uwp#step-2-send-a-toast) it says ".NET Framework desktop apps that still use packages.config must migrate to PackageReference, otherwise the Windows SDKs won't be referenced correctly. In your project, right-click on "References", and click "Migrate packages.config to PackageReference".", im trying to do this but the references tab doesnt exist in my solution and im thinking its because my solution might be set to cross platform so some things arent appearing? ive set as many things as i can find in the project properties to Windows and x64, but no luck. Can anyone help please?
Send a local toast notification from a C# app - Windows apps
Learn how to send a local toast notification from C# apps and handle the user clicking the toast.
2 Replies
brownie3mo ago
ah ok, any idea why the .Show() method isnt working then? wait what the fuck its working now ive just had it in the background for the past 20 minutes while i waited for a resposne wait now its not working C# what the fuck is wrong with you
brownie3mo ago
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