SortTable bug (Test)?

So what I am trying to do is to test whether I can sort countries table.. If i were to test it physically it works as intended but with test it failed. error message:
at vendor\livewire\livewire\src\Features\SupportTesting\MakesAssertions.php:49
45▕ }
47▕ function assertSeeHtmlInOrder($values)
48▕ {
➜ 49▕ PHPUnit::assertThat(
50▕ $values,
51▕ new SeeInOrder($this->html())
52▕ );

1 vendor\livewire\livewire\src\Features\SupportTesting\MakesAssertions.php:49
2 vendor\filament\tables\src\Testing\TestsRecords.php:34
at vendor\livewire\livewire\src\Features\SupportTesting\MakesAssertions.php:49
45▕ }
47▕ function assertSeeHtmlInOrder($values)
48▕ {
➜ 49▕ PHPUnit::assertThat(
50▕ $values,
51▕ new SeeInOrder($this->html())
52▕ );

1 vendor\livewire\livewire\src\Features\SupportTesting\MakesAssertions.php:49
2 vendor\filament\tables\src\Testing\TestsRecords.php:34
the CountryResourceTest:
describe('can sort countries by: ', function () {
$columnsToTest = collect([
// 'code',
// 'phonecode',

$columnsToTest->each(function ($columnName) {
it($columnName, function () use ($columnName) {
$countries = Country::limit(10)->get();

->assertCanSeeTableRecords($countries->sortBy($columnName), inOrder: true)
->sortTable($columnName, 'desc')
->assertCanSeeTableRecords($countries->sortByDesc($columnName), inOrder: true);
describe('can sort countries by: ', function () {
$columnsToTest = collect([
// 'code',
// 'phonecode',

$columnsToTest->each(function ($columnName) {
it($columnName, function () use ($columnName) {
$countries = Country::limit(10)->get();

->assertCanSeeTableRecords($countries->sortBy($columnName), inOrder: true)
->sortTable($columnName, 'desc')
->assertCanSeeTableRecords($countries->sortByDesc($columnName), inOrder: true);
the CountryResource table:
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
... some other TextColumn
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
... some other TextColumn
3 Replies
Rolland3mo ago
in addition to this. i do the same test for other resource and the results sometimes Pass and sometimes Failed.
JJSanders3mo ago
Can it be that it is b/c you test with a large dataset and then sometimes it manages to sort within the timeout boundary and sometimes not?
Rolland3mo ago
that could be the reason but i believe i have limited the queries to 10.. hmm. is my code incorrect?
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