Translatable issue, adding random UUIDs (?)

Hi guys, I'm using the Translatable plugin, but getting strange behaviour when using the builder? It generates things like this for the language that isn't being edited, see the example below (I removed the actual data)
"nl": {
"7d7a65b2-93a7-4b48-a7a4-62bd8168c124": { <----------
"type": "test1",
"data": {
"icon": {
"f300653b-4fdf-41b8-a173-368d3323b651": "" <------------
"title": "",
"description": "",
"button": "",
"button_url": ""
"ca8355cf-a05b-4c27-9a73-99aada190ac7": { <----------
"type": "test2",
"data": {
"icon": {
"4dab0017-e8bc-466c-8f3a-f5ac0cc3118b": "" <--------
"title": "",
"description": "",
"button": "",
"button_url": ""
"en": [
"type": "test1",
"data": {
"icon": "",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"button": "",
"button_url": ""
"type": "test2",
"data": {
"icon": "",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"button": "",
"button_url": ""
"nl": {
"7d7a65b2-93a7-4b48-a7a4-62bd8168c124": { <----------
"type": "test1",
"data": {
"icon": {
"f300653b-4fdf-41b8-a173-368d3323b651": "" <------------
"title": "",
"description": "",
"button": "",
"button_url": ""
"ca8355cf-a05b-4c27-9a73-99aada190ac7": { <----------
"type": "test2",
"data": {
"icon": {
"4dab0017-e8bc-466c-8f3a-f5ac0cc3118b": "" <--------
"title": "",
"description": "",
"button": "",
"button_url": ""
"en": [
"type": "test1",
"data": {
"icon": "",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"button": "",
"button_url": ""
"type": "test2",
"data": {
"icon": "",
"title": "",
"description": "",
"button": "",
"button_url": ""
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
2 Replies
vblinden3mo ago
It only happens when I editing the second language, the first edit of the first language is correct.
RobinDev4w ago
i experience the same, you fixed it? @vblinden