Bug : EAGAIN when use `plasmo package`

EAGAIN when using plasmo package
% yarn package --verbose
yarn run v1.22.22
warning package.json: No license field
$ plasmo package --verbose
šŸŸ” 0 | Running command: package
šŸŸ£ Plasmo v0.85.2
šŸ”“ The Browser Extension Framework
šŸ”µ INFO | Prepare to package the extension bundle...
šŸŸ” 1 | Creating Manifest Factory...
šŸŸ” 2 | Ensure exists: /Users/dp/work/extension/.plasmo
šŸŸ” 3 | /Users/dp/work/extension/assets/icon.png found, creating resized icons
šŸŸ” 4 | Creating static templates for popup
šŸŸ” 5 | Creating static templates for options
šŸŸ” 6 | Creating static templates for newtab
šŸŸ” 7 | Creating static templates for devtools
šŸŸ” 8 | Creating static templates for sidepanel

šŸŸ” 18 | { messageHandlerList: [], portHandlerList: [] }
šŸŸ” 19 | Creating BGSW entry
šŸŸ” 20 | Hash changed, updating manifest

šŸŸ” 21 | Error: EAGAIN
at new Worker (node:internal/worker:291:19)
at wk (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs:22:13)
at wrkr (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs:893:12)
at astrmify (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs:930:13)
at new AsyncDeflate (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs:1086:9)
at new AsyncZipDeflate (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs:1949:18)
at file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/plasmo/dist/index.js:166:10563
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at Qr (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/plasmo/dist/index.js:166:10341)
at async Zh (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/plasmo/dist/index.js:166:11510)
šŸ”“ EXIT | This program will terminate in 3 seconds...
% yarn package --verbose
yarn run v1.22.22
warning package.json: No license field
$ plasmo package --verbose
šŸŸ” 0 | Running command: package
šŸŸ£ Plasmo v0.85.2
šŸ”“ The Browser Extension Framework
šŸ”µ INFO | Prepare to package the extension bundle...
šŸŸ” 1 | Creating Manifest Factory...
šŸŸ” 2 | Ensure exists: /Users/dp/work/extension/.plasmo
šŸŸ” 3 | /Users/dp/work/extension/assets/icon.png found, creating resized icons
šŸŸ” 4 | Creating static templates for popup
šŸŸ” 5 | Creating static templates for options
šŸŸ” 6 | Creating static templates for newtab
šŸŸ” 7 | Creating static templates for devtools
šŸŸ” 8 | Creating static templates for sidepanel

šŸŸ” 18 | { messageHandlerList: [], portHandlerList: [] }
šŸŸ” 19 | Creating BGSW entry
šŸŸ” 20 | Hash changed, updating manifest

šŸŸ” 21 | Error: EAGAIN
at new Worker (node:internal/worker:291:19)
at wk (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs:22:13)
at wrkr (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs:893:12)
at astrmify (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs:930:13)
at new AsyncDeflate (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs:1086:9)
at new AsyncZipDeflate (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs:1949:18)
at file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/plasmo/dist/index.js:166:10563
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at Qr (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/plasmo/dist/index.js:166:10341)
at async Zh (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/plasmo/dist/index.js:166:11510)
šŸ”“ EXIT | This program will terminate in 3 seconds...
It then starts to use a lot of memory
dpā€¢43d ago
@lab @LoXatoR fyi
labā€¢43d ago
labā€¢43d ago
Some resource related issues?
dpā€¢42d ago
What is strange it is throwing there -- at new Worker (node:internal/worker:291:19) at wk (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs:22:13) at wrkr (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs:893:12) at astrmify (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs:930:13) at new AsyncDeflate (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs:1086:9) at new AsyncZipDeflate (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/fflate/esm/index.mjs:1949:18) at file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/plasmo/dist/index.js:166:10563 at new Promise (<anonymous>) at Qr (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/plasmo/dist/index.js:166:10341) at async Zh (file:///Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/plasmo/dist/index.js:166:11510) AsyncZipDeflate
Arcaneā€¢42d ago
@dp has reached level 1. GG!
dpā€¢42d ago
What would you advise to debug @lab what makes this resource issue? I tried --verbose but nothing; We tried with a VM with 64GB or 128GB and it fails
labā€¢42d ago
Seems like simultaneous read/write at the same place or maybe resource unavailable? Actually yeah try running plasmo build then plasmo package Separately
dpā€¢42d ago
we already did this; I will add flag verbose; we're running this on github actions;
No description
dpā€¢42d ago
"build": "plasmo build",
"dev": "plasmo dev",
"format:write": "prettier . --write",
"lint": "eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx",
"lint:fix": "eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --fix",
"type:check": "tsc --noEmit",
"package": "plasmo package",
"build": "plasmo build",
"dev": "plasmo dev",
"format:write": "prettier . --write",
"lint": "eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx",
"lint:fix": "eslint . --ext .ts,.tsx --fix",
"type:check": "tsc --noEmit",
"package": "plasmo package",
labā€¢42d ago
Try running them in 2 steps
dpā€¢42d ago
Ok will try after this attempt Ok will retry with two different steps --
# plasmo build
šŸŸ¢ DONE | Finished in 36524ms!
Done in 44.66s.
yarn run v1.22.22
warning package.json: No license field
# plasmo package
$ plasmo package --verbose
šŸŸ” 0 | Running command: package
šŸŸ£ Plasmo v0.84.1
šŸ”“ The Browser Extension Framework
šŸŸ  WARN | A new version of plasmo is available: v0.85.2
| Run "yarn add plasmo@0.85.2" to update
šŸ”µ INFO | Prepare to package the extension bundle...
šŸŸ” 1 | Creating Manifest Factory...
šŸŸ” 2 | Ensure exists: /home/runner/work/extension/extension/.plasmo
šŸŸ” 3 | /home/runner/work/extension/extension/assets/icon.png found, creating resized icons
šŸŸ” 4 | Creating static templates for popup
šŸŸ” 14 | Parsed config: { matches: [ '<all_urls>' ], world: 'MAIN', run_at: 'document_start' }
šŸŸ” 15 | Adding content script: /home/runner/work/extension/extension/src/contents/inpage.ts
šŸŸ” 16 | Parsed config: { matches: [ '<all_urls>' ], all_frames: true }
šŸŸ” 17 | Adding content script: /home/runner/work/extension/extension/src/contents/worker.ts
šŸŸ” 18 | { messageHandlerList: [], portHandlerList: [] }
šŸŸ” 19 | Creating BGSW entry
šŸŸ” 20 | Hash changed, updating manifest
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
FATAL ERROR: Committing semi space failed. Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
----- Native stack trace -----
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
FATAL ERROR: Committing semi space failed. Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
# Fatal javascript OOM in MemoryChunk allocation failed during deserialization.
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
FATAL ERROR: Committing semi space failed. Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
# Fatal javascript OOM in MemoryChunk allocation failed during deserialization.
# plasmo build
šŸŸ¢ DONE | Finished in 36524ms!
Done in 44.66s.
yarn run v1.22.22
warning package.json: No license field
# plasmo package
$ plasmo package --verbose
šŸŸ” 0 | Running command: package
šŸŸ£ Plasmo v0.84.1
šŸ”“ The Browser Extension Framework
šŸŸ  WARN | A new version of plasmo is available: v0.85.2
| Run "yarn add plasmo@0.85.2" to update
šŸ”µ INFO | Prepare to package the extension bundle...
šŸŸ” 1 | Creating Manifest Factory...
šŸŸ” 2 | Ensure exists: /home/runner/work/extension/extension/.plasmo
šŸŸ” 3 | /home/runner/work/extension/extension/assets/icon.png found, creating resized icons
šŸŸ” 4 | Creating static templates for popup
šŸŸ” 14 | Parsed config: { matches: [ '<all_urls>' ], world: 'MAIN', run_at: 'document_start' }
šŸŸ” 15 | Adding content script: /home/runner/work/extension/extension/src/contents/inpage.ts
šŸŸ” 16 | Parsed config: { matches: [ '<all_urls>' ], all_frames: true }
šŸŸ” 17 | Adding content script: /home/runner/work/extension/extension/src/contents/worker.ts
šŸŸ” 18 | { messageHandlerList: [], portHandlerList: [] }
šŸŸ” 19 | Creating BGSW entry
šŸŸ” 20 | Hash changed, updating manifest
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
FATAL ERROR: Committing semi space failed. Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
----- Native stack trace -----
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
FATAL ERROR: Committing semi space failed. Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
# Fatal javascript OOM in MemoryChunk allocation failed during deserialization.
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
FATAL ERROR: Committing semi space failed. Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
# Fatal javascript OOM in MemoryChunk allocation failed during deserialization.
as it failed here
labā€¢42d ago
That's an entirely diff error now :-? And it seems package is using v0.84.1 (which might contain some err btw, iirc, I downgraded some parcel stuffs bc it wasn't working correctly :d )
dpā€¢42d ago
I will bump to latest; (this is github actions runners; First log from my machine but it crashes/freezes) Yes it's not exiting and keep going on Github Runner -- Need to stop the job manually
šŸŸ” 19 | Creating BGSW entry
šŸŸ” 20 | Hash changed, updating manifest
# Fatal error in , line 0
# unreachable code
#FailureMessage Object: 0x7c4f096fdcc0
----- Native stack trace -----
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
# Fatal javascript OOM in MemoryChunk allocation failed during deserialization.
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
FATAL ERROR: Committing semi space failed. Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
----- Native stack trace -----
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
# Fatal javascript OOM in MemoryChunk allocation failed during deserialization.
šŸŸ” 19 | Creating BGSW entry
šŸŸ” 20 | Hash changed, updating manifest
# Fatal error in , line 0
# unreachable code
#FailureMessage Object: 0x7c4f096fdcc0
----- Native stack trace -----
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
# Fatal javascript OOM in MemoryChunk allocation failed during deserialization.
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
FATAL ERROR: Committing semi space failed. Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
----- Native stack trace -----
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
# Fatal javascript OOM in MemoryChunk allocation failed during deserialization.
I am running a new build with plasmo 0.85.2 now
labā€¢42d ago
hmm, fyi the package command is basically a simple zip implementation that stream assets/files into the right place
labā€¢42d ago
plasmo/cli/plasmo/src/commands/package.ts at main Ā· PlasmoHQ/plasmo
šŸ§© The Browser Extension Framework. Contribute to PlasmoHQ/plasmo development by creating an account on GitHub.
labā€¢42d ago
You can also just try using the zip command over the build directory
dpā€¢42d ago
Ha nice; let me see
Arcaneā€¢42d ago
@dp has reached level 2. GG!
labā€¢42d ago
I've seen it works with a 30MB bundle so not sure what's going on there, esp when build worked if you can debug and take a look at the package source, feel free to PR!
dpā€¢42d ago
Ok it seems our build dir is 402mb; compressed manually with zip makes it 114mb. I will look why this is aas big as that It seems the build node_modules directory include typescript, parcel... and lot of things (sass, react-dev-tools) ; probably we need to move to dev dependencies
dpā€¢42d ago
I see the plasmo build CLI just call parcel -- but we can't pass much options to parcel such as yarn build --reporter @parcel/reporter-bundle-analyzer https://github.com/PlasmoHQ/plasmo/blob/main/cli/plasmo/src/commands/build.ts#L38 WOuld it be possible to pass parcel functions?
plasmo/cli/plasmo/src/commands/build.ts at main Ā· PlasmoHQ/plasmo
šŸ§© The Browser Extension Framework. Contribute to PlasmoHQ/plasmo development by creating an account on GitHub.
dpā€¢42d ago
If you'd like to analyze your bundle, you can use the --bundle-buddy flag, combined with --source-maps to generate a Bundle Buddy Just read it ; nice Ok we just zip it using zip and it worked
abhishekjhaā€¢42d ago
We are also facing issue using manual api to upload the zip & sign it. We are able to successfully upload the zip but during sign call it's timing out. Getting below error. An error occurred with your deployment FUNCTION_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT
dpā€¢42d ago
labā€¢42d ago
@abhishekjha how big is your extension BTW? the zipped bundle Extended the timeout so you should be able to try again for longer
dpā€¢39d ago
100mb I believe But we'l try to reduce it
abhishekjhaā€¢38d ago
@lab Still getting timeout
labā€¢38d ago
I suggest you reduce the size of your extension - 100mb is too high and I don't think we should support that. Yeah it seems your extension was too large for us to generate a signed bundle for
dpā€¢32d ago
Yes it seems our build was keeping node_modules and creating some nested node_modules that was enlarging the directory before zipping.
labā€¢31d ago
I think you should try to exclude them and bundle those assets extension doesn't play well with dynamic scripts loading
LoXatoRā€¢31d ago
LoXatoRā€¢31d ago
Also, it takes around 30 - 45s on average for plasmo dev to recompile and if I stop the dev server and run it again, it keeps re-creating the build and placing it in the existing build folder, thus creating multiple levels of nesting as seen in the pic
No description
labā€¢30d ago
That should not be the case, unless there's some crazy introspection/recursion dependency I'd strip out and see which import is messing it up for you
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