Upload files to Network volume? Two days spent on this and can't make it happen

HOW do I get my local safetensor LLM files on my PC to the network volume? Is the CLI the only way? I'm resorting to putting them on hugging face so I can access them that way via "theBloke LLM template". I'm not even sure if this will work but I have spent hours on google, and youtube trying to find out how. Sad.
18 Replies
SkyWhal3 🐋
SkyWhal3 🐋3mo ago
It's 2024.... I have to use the command line to send/ receive data?!?!?! meanwhile I'm spending money for a volume I can't figure out how to access. the user guides provided by RunPod are written for themselves and does not help novice users like myself that are not 10+ year python coders. EVERY video, blog post, step-by-step only shows accessing the models through hugging face search. Lazy. Its an easy way to shove a video out there and make income from views, but its not helping the matter.
Madiator20113mo ago
Use croc or runpodctl
justin3mo ago
https://github.com/kodxana/RunPod-FilleUploader/tree/main Using croc to send files is very easy: https://github.com/schollz/croc In addition Madiator has a drag and drop file transfer, but just know an https file transfer is never going to be as fast as you doing a command line command
SkyWhal3 🐋
SkyWhal3 🐋3mo ago
PS C:\Users\USER> curl -sSL https://github.com/kodxana/RunPod-FilleUploader/raw/main/scripts/installer.sh -o installer.sh && chmod +x installer.sh && ./installer.sh At line:1 char:105 + ... illeUploader/raw/main/scripts/installer.sh -o installer.sh && chmod + ... + The token '&&' is not a valid statement separator in this version. At line:1 char:130 + ... ipts/installer.sh -o installer.sh && chmod +x installer.sh && ./insta ... + The token '&&' is not a valid statement separator in this version. + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidEndOfLine Everything is a failure. all of it. all errors all the time. non stop. CMD, powershell, GitBash. Nothing works man. Why?
justin3mo ago
This goes on ur pod not locally You run this on the pod, so the pod has a server / it starts that app
SkyWhal3 🐋
SkyWhal3 🐋3mo ago
where is that in the intructions? its not... this is what I mean. the isntructions are written for people who assume all this stuff.
justin3mo ago
No description
justin3mo ago
It tells u
SkyWhal3 🐋
SkyWhal3 🐋3mo ago
Sigh. yea, so im trying to run this from the command line. it didnt say enter it in the runpod... this is why so many people struggle with your service.
justin3mo ago
Feel free to use any other service, but I feel its pretty clear that if u want to drag and drop something to a pod, you install it on the thing u want to drag and drop to I think this just the normal barrier anyone will have learning something like this Definitely get the frustration
SkyWhal3 🐋
SkyWhal3 🐋3mo ago
to you it is. But hey lets hop into photoshop and see how well you do iof I give bad instructions... anyway, how can I get the rest of my $40 back?
justin3mo ago
They have an FAQ where they don't do refund, if you have an issue, can ask the staff
SkyWhal3 🐋
SkyWhal3 🐋3mo ago
Ive spent 410 not getting anywhere for 7 days
justin3mo ago
Im just giving community support
Madiator20113mo ago
No description
Madiator20113mo ago
I guess he rage quit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
justin3mo ago
thx for updating Yeah, but if u end up wanting to continue: 1. edit the pod so that the port on http is exposed on 2999 2. Install the script 3. The button might not update, it might still say nothing is there, but there will be something that is on 2999 that you can launch and see the gui
Madiator20113mo ago
My tool was made to be integrated into templates and manual start is just option
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