SolidJS3mo ago

How to create a wrapper for SolidJS's setStore in TypeScript?

I have a SolidJS store defined:
const [store, setStore] = createStore<SomeComplexType>();
const [store, setStore] = createStore<SomeComplexType>();
I need to run some code before every execution of setStore, so I would like to wrap it with my own function. Is there a way to do that, that preserves all types and all overloads? So far, the best solution I've (heard)[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78209469/how-to-create-a-wrapper-for-solidjss-setstore-in-typescript?noredirect=1#comment137881170_78209469] is:
// @ts-expect-error
const setStoreWithEffect: SetStoreFunction<Foo> = (...params: [any]) => {
console.log("setStore invoked with parameters:", params);
return setStore(...params);
// @ts-expect-error
const setStoreWithEffect: SetStoreFunction<Foo> = (...params: [any]) => {
console.log("setStore invoked with parameters:", params);
return setStore(...params);
But the error suppression makes it ugly. Is there any clean way to do this?
Stack Overflow
How to create a wrapper for SolidJS's setStore in TypeScript?
I have a SolidJS store defined: const [store, setStore] = createStore<SomeComplexType>(); I need to run some code before every execution of setStore, so I would like to wrap it with my own
5 Replies
Maciek503223mo ago
You can directly get type of anything in ts with typeof. If you define your wrapper with same type as setStore is, then the arguments and return value get automatically typed
const setStoreWithEffect: typeof setStore = (...params) => setStore(...params)
const setStoreWithEffect: typeof setStore = (...params) => setStore(...params)
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr3mo ago
That does not work, because of type inference not being able to figure out if the generic is the same in both cases. I've tried for my storage primitive makePersisted(signalOrStore).
Peter3mo ago
it gives an error:
A spread argument must either have a tuple type or be passed to a rest parameter.ts(2556)
Maciek503223mo ago
Oh so that's weird. Also I see that it's fine with
const setStoreWithEffect: typeof setStore = (...params: any[]) => {
return setStore(params[0], params[1], params[2]);
const setStoreWithEffect: typeof setStore = (...params: any[]) => {
return setStore(params[0], params[1], params[2]);
But it's not what we want. And I always treated spread operator as shorthand for this on variable number of arguments. I guess ts won't cover this case. For now if you just don't want these errors without // @ts-expect-error, you can also do
const setStoreWithEffect: typeof setStore = (...params: any[]) => {
return (setStore as any)(...params);
const setStoreWithEffect: typeof setStore = (...params: any[]) => {
return (setStore as any)(...params);
I think it's fine to use as any internally in function as long as you know what you are doing and with properly set arguments / return value types, which typeof setStore takes care of.
Peter3mo ago
that's better than @ts-expect-error. Thank you!