C#3mo ago

✅ How to get value of DatePicker from nested UserControl Avalonia

<!-- in new user view -->
<UserControl xmlns:uc="clr-namespace:MathGame.Views.UserControls;assembly=MathGame">
<uc:DatePicker />

<!-- in ./Views/UserControls/DatePicker.axaml -->
<DatePicker DayFormat="ddd dd" MonthFormat="MMM MM" />
<!-- in new user view -->
<UserControl xmlns:uc="clr-namespace:MathGame.Views.UserControls;assembly=MathGame">
<uc:DatePicker />

<!-- in ./Views/UserControls/DatePicker.axaml -->
<DatePicker DayFormat="ddd dd" MonthFormat="MMM MM" />
in the CreateNewUserView.axaml file, how do I get access to the date selected within the DatePicker with the DatePicker being in a nested UserControl?
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