
F2-60 HHKB

Hello! Just joined the discord server and wanted to check when the F2-60 would release? It says on 2023 in the website but I imagine it has been delayed, since I don't see any content of it online. TIA!
Ednah44d ago
tentative release date is May 2024 (kr schedule), but I believe the first drop doesn't include hhkb https://geonworks.notion.site/0c26d072978e4116a6ed73b72c65c079?v=05fd01d2499e4eff82e8317ced78d3d0
Omnivion43d ago
Ah dang really? Where'd you find the info saying that there will not be any hhkb layout on the first drop?
Ednah43d ago
It was mentioned in one of his livestreams, and the team also answered in one of the qna posts that there will only be wk and wkl. I'll link you to it, but it's in korean https://discord.com/channels/743801649377574924/1218587088237101056/1219107079017463880 Also, the drop is very likely delayed to june-july
Omnivion43d ago
Ahh gotcha, thanks for the info!!
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