using @livewireScriptConfig instead of @filamentScripts

I'm using the tables package in livewire components. I'm using an extra Alpine plugin. So following the Livewire docs in my app.js i added
import { Livewire, Alpine } from '../../vendor/livewire/livewire/dist/livewire.esm';
Alpine.directive('tooltip', (el) => {
tippy(el, { content: el.textContent });

import { Livewire, Alpine } from '../../vendor/livewire/livewire/dist/livewire.esm';
Alpine.directive('tooltip', (el) => {
tippy(el, { content: el.textContent });

In order to not get 2 instances of Livewire i need to add @livewireScriptConfig But now the loading indicator in my searchbar of my table is constantly spinning. Am i doing something wrong?
1 Reply
Remi Hindriks
Remi Hindriks3mo ago
Everything seems to work, but all the loading spinners are visible. This is what i see when i open the filters
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