Spatie Media Library set alt text

I'm trying to set the alt text of an image in a form. I tried it using the custom properties, with a property 'alt_text'. It works when creating a new item, but I can't make an edit work.
Is setting the alt of an image using a custom property the way to go? Are there any alternatives? See my code below: As long as the image not changes, the alt_text does not update. Even if the alt_text_input differs from the current custom property alt_text value.
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
->customProperties(function (Get $get) {
return ['alt_text' => $get('alt_text_input')];
->afterStateHydrated(function (Get $get, Set $set, $state, $record) {
if( is_null($get('alt_text_input'))) {
if($record) {
$set('alt_text_input', $record->getMedia("bar-images")->first()->custom_properties['alt_text']);
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
->customProperties(function (Get $get) {
return ['alt_text' => $get('alt_text_input')];
->afterStateHydrated(function (Get $get, Set $set, $state, $record) {
if( is_null($get('alt_text_input'))) {
if($record) {
$set('alt_text_input', $record->getMedia("bar-images")->first()->custom_properties['alt_text']);
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