GEON3mo ago

F1-8X 722 Rose Gold Weight Question

Hello, I bought this 722 weight from the aftermarket because it was unavailable on the GEONWORKS website. I am seeing a lot of discoloration on it and was wondering if it is expected. I am not asking for after sales support because I understand this is an aftermarket purchase. I am just curious if a weight like this is possible from the factory, or if it was something that happened because of the seller.
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2 Replies
Pooh3mo ago
Due to the nature of the color, rose gold is at a higher risk of discoloration than other colors due to its high copper content. Exposure to cosmetics, soaps, detergents, etc. that can cause sweaty hands or chemical reactions can change the color, and scratches and impacts can cause the plating to peel or corrode.
aron3mo ago
I understand, thank you