Filamentβ€’3mo ago

Autocomplete not working in textinput

TextInput::make('name') when i am typing the name while that time in registration form showing before data what i filled any possibilities to remove in fms..or some other suggestion anyone
5 Replies
Povilas K
Povilas Kβ€’2mo ago
Not sure if I understand the actual problem because of how you formulated your sentence, but that autocomplete often comes from the BROWSER functionality/extensions and not from Filament.
Hemanathβ€’2mo ago
okay I am doing a registration form and filling in a number of fields, but again showing the same filled-in details that show new data while typing. Any solution..?
Povilas K
Povilas Kβ€’2mo ago
Again, I suspect that you see autocomplete from BROWSER so it will not work the same for other people using this form in other browsers, it's your personal local settings in your browser.
Hemanathβ€’2mo ago
disstoβ€’2mo ago
You could try ->autocomplete('off') on your fields
But in most cases people expect forms to be easily fillable with their own data. Especially for registration forms 😊