Drizzle spontaneously trying to truncate my db

Today I opened up Drizzle Studio, connected to my Vercel Postgres database, and a modal popped up saying: 'Database truncation Deleting 57 rows from 17 tables.' Now, I do have 17 tables and 57 entries but did not ask for anything to be truncated or deleted. This is completely spontaneous and extremely undesired. What sparked this action? Is there a setting on my Vercel Database or in Drizzle config I should be aware of? I certainly don't want Drizzle spontaneously clearing out my Database. Any help would be extremely appreciated. Thanks in advance!
13 Replies
jaronheard4mo ago
This also happened to me this morning with my PlanetScale database... almost giving me a heart attack!
jaronheard4mo ago
to add in some details on what i did in case it's helpful: - i had just switched database branches by adjusting my DATABASE_URL environment variable, and there is a difference in the schema between those two branches, so it's possible that drizzle studio thought i was doing a migration? - i believe i was able to cancel the truncation before it completed, but this was the dialog box that was spontaneously shown
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ByteBender4mo ago
ByteBender4mo ago
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ByteBender4mo ago
i Just got here to report this whats going on???? april fools oooooooo I am safe
nr77514mo ago
@jaronheard, Yes, I did the same thing, and I managed to abort it. In my case, I hadn't changed anything. Yesterday, I had made some very minor changes to the tables, so minor that they didn't even qualify as a migration. Today, when I logged into Studio, I was greeted with that same modal. I need an answer, lest this happens again. @ByteBender , Arpil Fool's ?! Any official word on the matter?
nr77514mo ago
Some master trolling going on, then!
Andrii Sherman
Andrii Sherman4mo ago
Sorry everyone :tired: But if you do something, you should be the best in it It goes for April 1st as well
alfonsocartes4mo ago
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Andrii Sherman
Andrii Sherman4mo ago
:nomore: The day we decided to lose all the users
xeon064mo ago
ByteBender4mo ago
there was my 132211 rows of stock table worth millions, thanks for the heart attack
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