plasmo dev is failing

here is the verbose output
🟑 4 | @plasmohq/optimizer-es: tabs/import-wallet-with-socials.a896c681.js tabs/import-wallet-with-socials.[hash].js /Users/dp/work/extension
🟑 5 | optimizer-es: skipped
🟑 9 | optimizer-es: skipped
var a=Object.defineProperty;var d=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var p=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var u=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var l=(o,r)=>{for(var e in r)a(o,e,{get:r[e],enumerable:!0})},c=(o,r,e,n)=>{if(r&&typeof r=="object"||typeof r=="function")for(let t of p(r))!,t)&&t!==e&&a(o,t,{get:()=>r[t],enumerable:!(n=d(r,t))||n.enumerable});return o};var C=o=>c(a({},"__esModule",{value:!0}),o);var g={};l(g,{default:()=>h});module.exports=C(g);var i=require("@parcel/plugin");var m=require("stream"),f=require("string_decoder"),s=class extends m.Transform{decoder=new f.StringDecoder("utf8");_transform(r,e,n){n(null,this.transformChunk(this.decoder.write(r)))}_flush(r){let e=this.decoder.end();e?r(null,this.transformChunk(e)):r()}transformChunk(r){return Array.from(r).map(e=>e.charCodeAt(0)<=127?e:"\\u"+("0000"+e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)).join("")}};var h=new i.Compressor({async compress({stream:o}){return{stream:o.pipe(new s)}}});

RangeError: Invalid array length
at Function.from (<anonymous>)
at s.transformChunk (/Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/@plasmohq/parcel-compressor-utf8/dist/index.js:1:783)
at s._transform (/Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/@plasmohq/parcel-compressor-utf8/dist/index.js:1:641)
at Transform._write (node:internal/streams/transform:171:8)
at writeOrBuffer (node:internal/streams/writable:564:12)
at _write (node:internal/streams/writable:493:10)(...)
at Readable.emit (node:events:518:28)
at (node:internal/streams/readable:780:10)
🟑 4 | @plasmohq/optimizer-es: tabs/import-wallet-with-socials.a896c681.js tabs/import-wallet-with-socials.[hash].js /Users/dp/work/extension
🟑 5 | optimizer-es: skipped
🟑 9 | optimizer-es: skipped
var a=Object.defineProperty;var d=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var p=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var u=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var l=(o,r)=>{for(var e in r)a(o,e,{get:r[e],enumerable:!0})},c=(o,r,e,n)=>{if(r&&typeof r=="object"||typeof r=="function")for(let t of p(r))!,t)&&t!==e&&a(o,t,{get:()=>r[t],enumerable:!(n=d(r,t))||n.enumerable});return o};var C=o=>c(a({},"__esModule",{value:!0}),o);var g={};l(g,{default:()=>h});module.exports=C(g);var i=require("@parcel/plugin");var m=require("stream"),f=require("string_decoder"),s=class extends m.Transform{decoder=new f.StringDecoder("utf8");_transform(r,e,n){n(null,this.transformChunk(this.decoder.write(r)))}_flush(r){let e=this.decoder.end();e?r(null,this.transformChunk(e)):r()}transformChunk(r){return Array.from(r).map(e=>e.charCodeAt(0)<=127?e:"\\u"+("0000"+e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)).join("")}};var h=new i.Compressor({async compress({stream:o}){return{stream:o.pipe(new s)}}});

RangeError: Invalid array length
at Function.from (<anonymous>)
at s.transformChunk (/Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/@plasmohq/parcel-compressor-utf8/dist/index.js:1:783)
at s._transform (/Users/dp/work/extension/node_modules/@plasmohq/parcel-compressor-utf8/dist/index.js:1:641)
at Transform._write (node:internal/streams/transform:171:8)
at writeOrBuffer (node:internal/streams/writable:564:12)
at _write (node:internal/streams/writable:493:10)(...)
at Readable.emit (node:events:518:28)
at (node:internal/streams/readable:780:10)
dpβ€’31d ago
@lab any hints? Thank you
YAGPDB.xyzβ€’31d ago
Gave +1 Rep to @lab (current: #1 - 169)
labβ€’31d ago
@dp this happens with the optimizer, it basically traverse through the bundle to minify code You might need to break your tab into smaller component and maybe lazy load some stuff I'd do a bundle analyzer on those
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