
Is it possible to get the total count while fetching rows in a single query?

I have a query which looks like this:
const { items, count } = await db
.selectFrom(eb => eb
.$if(filters?.is_active !== undefined, eb => eb.where("is_active", "=", filters?.is_active as AdsTable["is_active"]))
.$if(filters?.is_expired !== undefined, eb => eb.where(sql`expires > now()`))
.offset((paginationOptions.page - 1) * paginationOptions.perPage)
.select(() => [
sql<number>`cast(count(1) as int)`.as("count"),
sql<Selectable<AdsTable>[]>`coalesce(json_agg(items), '[]')`.as("items")
const { items, count } = await db
.selectFrom(eb => eb
.$if(filters?.is_active !== undefined, eb => eb.where("is_active", "=", filters?.is_active as AdsTable["is_active"]))
.$if(filters?.is_expired !== undefined, eb => eb.where(sql`expires > now()`))
.offset((paginationOptions.page - 1) * paginationOptions.perPage)
.select(() => [
sql<number>`cast(count(1) as int)`.as("count"),
sql<Selectable<AdsTable>[]>`coalesce(json_agg(items), '[]')`.as("items")
I noticed that the 'count' only counts the result of the query and not all the rows in the table. Is it possible to make it to count all the rows in the table? I'm using PG
thelinuxlich46d ago
Maybe use a window function?
Adophilus43d ago
How can I do that? Because I had to separate them into 2 queries One to get the data And the other to get the count
Igal43d ago
It requires some smelly hackery, if you want a single count (not repeated per row)
thelinuxlich43d ago
not repeated per row would be a CTE
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