C#2mo ago

Feeding Random into itself - does it "corrupt the randomness"?

If I am to reinitialize an instance of System.Random after every .NextDouble() using the return value as a seed, would that make the randomness worse in some way? I want to do this in order to be able to persist and unpersist a System.Random, via knowing the seed at every step of the way.
45 Replies
Angius2mo ago
Worse? Probably not. Creating a bunch of Random instances is more likely to make randomness worse. Can't you just use a single Random instance, with a single seed, and reuse that? I'd maybe generate, like, 100k values using this method of yours and check if they follow normal distribution
ACiDCA72mo ago
i understood his footnote like he wants the randomfunction to be deterministic i guess for replayability?
if you create a random on the approximately same time without special seed it will yields the exact same random values as it has teh same seed: the time
Angius2mo ago
You just need one seeded instance for it to be deterministic
Vlad2mo ago
this, yeah the point is to be able to save and resume the randomness, like in a game's save file for instance
Angius2mo ago
Save the seed, then?
Vlad2mo ago
I don't think you can extract the seed
Jimmacle2mo ago
you start with a known one
Angius2mo ago
Vlad2mo ago
yes, but as soon as you random once, the seed is now different
Jimmacle2mo ago
Angius2mo ago
Jimmacle2mo ago
that's not what a seed is
Vlad2mo ago
I misspoke, let me rephrase
Angius2mo ago
You create an instance of Random with a given seed. You reuse that instance everywhere It's guaranteed to be deterministic for the same seed
Vlad2mo ago
every time you call next you are now "1 random pull" past the initial seed, therefore even if you use the same seed unless you keep track of how many randoms you pulled you cannot resume back to the same state
Jimmacle2mo ago
so you need to keep track of how many numbers you've generated
Vlad2mo ago
hmm I guess that could work, but wouldnt calling Next 1000 times be kind of slow?
Jimmacle2mo ago
1000? probably instantaneous
Vlad2mo ago
I mean as time goes on "loading the save" would get slower and slower
Jimmacle2mo ago
or you could look into persisting the Random internals
Vlad2mo ago
alright, well I might do that then
Angius2mo ago
Save the generated values in the save ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Vlad2mo ago
I did look into it, but it seems they've changed a couple times over the years and I rather not depend on undocumented behavior not sure what you mean
Angius2mo ago
Instead of regenerating the values from the seed, save them in the savegame That way you won't have to skip 1000 random results
Jimmacle2mo ago
that doesn't help him
Vlad2mo ago
ah, you misunderstand - the idea is to have the next random be the same when you reload
Angius2mo ago
Ah, right I misunderstood, then
Vlad2mo ago
Jimmacle2mo ago
the goal is to persist Random so when the game is loaded again it's as if it was never quit at all
Vlad2mo ago
I'll just keep track of how many randoms were pulled and hope it never becomes a problem xd thanks for the help ZZZZ and Jimm
Jimmacle2mo ago
personally i'd just assume the implementation of random won't change, the existing changes were made backwards compatible anyway or implement your own random class that you can control the implementation of
Vlad2mo ago
that was going to be my next try 😄
Jimmacle2mo ago
i'm sure there are a pile of PRNG algorithms out there that you can copy and paste
Vlad2mo ago
easier to get that past code review than reflection of random underscore properties
Jimmacle2mo ago
looks like the current Random uses a port of http://prng.di.unimi.it/xoshiro256starstar.c
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Angius2mo ago
Benchmarked it, btw:
| Method | Seed | Mean | Error | StdDev |
|------------ |------------ |--------------:|--------------:|--------------:|
| One | -2147483648 | 6.185 ns | 0.3347 ns | 0.9710 ns |
| Hundred | -2147483648 | 1,011.573 ns | 21.5309 ns | 63.1465 ns |
| Thousand | -2147483648 | 9,059.311 ns | 58.3614 ns | 45.5647 ns |
| TenThousand | -2147483648 | 92,219.667 ns | 1,793.3376 ns | 1,993.2900 ns |
| One | 2147483647 | 5.445 ns | 0.2605 ns | 0.7516 ns |
| Hundred | 2147483647 | 959.814 ns | 19.1163 ns | 47.2508 ns |
| Thousand | 2147483647 | 8,902.830 ns | 172.3596 ns | 143.9281 ns |
| TenThousand | 2147483647 | 88,445.468 ns | 785.1084 ns | 612.9610 ns |
| Method | Seed | Mean | Error | StdDev |
|------------ |------------ |--------------:|--------------:|--------------:|
| One | -2147483648 | 6.185 ns | 0.3347 ns | 0.9710 ns |
| Hundred | -2147483648 | 1,011.573 ns | 21.5309 ns | 63.1465 ns |
| Thousand | -2147483648 | 9,059.311 ns | 58.3614 ns | 45.5647 ns |
| TenThousand | -2147483648 | 92,219.667 ns | 1,793.3376 ns | 1,993.2900 ns |
| One | 2147483647 | 5.445 ns | 0.2605 ns | 0.7516 ns |
| Hundred | 2147483647 | 959.814 ns | 19.1163 ns | 47.2508 ns |
| Thousand | 2147483647 | 8,902.830 ns | 172.3596 ns | 143.9281 ns |
| TenThousand | 2147483647 | 88,445.468 ns | 785.1084 ns | 612.9610 ns |
Decrypted2mo ago
I got resumable rand class somewhere, let me try to find it
Angius2mo ago
Safe to assume that no, generating a lot of random values won't be an issue
ACiDCA72mo ago
quick calculation even if you generate 60 randoms a second for 50h based on the benchmark above its just around 0.1s to calculate them from new in one batch
Decrypted2mo ago
public class Rng
public byte[] State => _state;

private byte[] _state = new byte[32];

public Rng(int seed)
var rand = new Random(seed);

// fill state from seed

public Rng(byte[] state)
_state = state;

public int Next()
// Hash new state
if (!SHA256.TryHashData(_state, _state, out _))
throw new InvalidOperationException();

var bigInt = new BigInteger(_state);

return (int)(bigInt % int.MaxValue);
public class Rng
public byte[] State => _state;

private byte[] _state = new byte[32];

public Rng(int seed)
var rand = new Random(seed);

// fill state from seed

public Rng(byte[] state)
_state = state;

public int Next()
// Hash new state
if (!SHA256.TryHashData(_state, _state, out _))
throw new InvalidOperationException();

var bigInt = new BigInteger(_state);

return (int)(bigInt % int.MaxValue);
This uses SHA256 to hash the state on top of itself You can then persist the 32 byte state and resume from it when required. Not sure if this is the best way to do this. I don't even know if the bigInt % int.MaxValue is safe operation for converting to int..
Jimmacle2mo ago
without actually benchmarking it that looks slow i'd also want to see some proof that this generates a good distribution of random numbers since you're attempting to use SHA256 as a PRNG algorithm definitely better to just use a proper PRNG implementation in a way that you have access to the internal state to persist
| Method | Mean | Error | StdDev |
|----------- |------------:|----------:|----------:|
| Random100k | 698.7 us | 9.77 us | 12.71 us |
| Rng100k | 25,313.9 us | 391.05 us | 346.65 us |
| Method | Mean | Error | StdDev |
|----------- |------------:|----------:|----------:|
| Random100k | 698.7 us | 9.77 us | 12.71 us |
| Rng100k | 25,313.9 us | 391.05 us | 346.65 us |
distribution aside, that implementation is 36 times slower than plain Random
Vlad2mo ago
damn thanks for taking the time to benchmark it
Jimmacle2mo ago
i'd just copy the implementation from https://source.dot.net/#System.Private.CoreLib/src/libraries/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Random.Xoshiro256StarStarImpl.cs,cf33c3a42d4a8ee6 and tweak it to your needs or see https://prng.di.unimi.it/ for all the generators like it in case a different algorithm is more appropriate
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