C#4mo ago

ASP Core 8 - Custom 404 Handling

I have a few scenarios where I need to show a different kind of view and a bit of different logic depending on what type of authenticated user in my app experiences a "404" However, I don't understand how to capture the 404. I am using attribute routes and have the following middleware.
public class NotFoundMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate RequestDelegate;

public NotFoundMiddleware(RequestDelegate RequestDelegate)
this.RequestDelegate = RequestDelegate;

public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
if (context.Response.StatusCode == StatusCodes.Status404NotFound)
context.Request.Path = "/client/errors/404";

await RequestDelegate(context);
public class NotFoundMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate RequestDelegate;

public NotFoundMiddleware(RequestDelegate RequestDelegate)
this.RequestDelegate = RequestDelegate;

public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
if (context.Response.StatusCode == StatusCodes.Status404NotFound)
context.Request.Path = "/client/errors/404";

await RequestDelegate(context);
Setting a breakpoint with the debugger shows that providing a gibberish URL still is giving a status code of 200 - so my middleware doesn't handle it. How do I capture the a situation where there is no matching route or static file? I am trying to run code only when no route or static file was matched.
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24 Replies
nox74mo ago
Upon further investigation, it looks like HttpContext has an Endpoint property that is null if no matching route occurred. If I put my middleware at the end of a chain, unless anyone else has any further information - it seems this is how to tell if the request has no matching route and I can use this to assume it will 404.
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nox74mo ago
Yeah, I've read through that - unfortunately it doesn't do what I need here. It forces me to use their internal error handling. Or in the case of a custom IExceptionHandler - only when an exception is thrown. I need it to go to custom paths based on specific HttpContext data.
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nox74mo ago
UseStatusCodePagesWithReExecute is almost there, but it doesn't give me much controller in directing it to completely different routes Ah, we thought the same thing
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nox74mo ago
I guess I could use it and just handle the logic I need within the Controller I redirect to (showing different views). So I'll go down that path
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nox74mo ago
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nox74mo ago
E.g., I am trying to show 3 different 404 views. One for authenticated clients, one for authenticated staff, and one for non-authenticated users
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nox74mo ago
There are other situations I need the 404 page to be shown. E.g., when an object is missing from a request Url that has an Id in the parameter. So I wanted to have it all (all 404 scenarios) propagate up to the top and then the top handles it based on the currently authenticated user
nox74mo ago
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nox74mo ago
This works well and as I need it to, so thanks.
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nox74mo ago
Ah, I see what you mean. That's not a bad idea either.
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nox74mo ago
I don't use the normal identity system, but I get what you're saying.
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nox74mo ago
I don't use that system in my app
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nox74mo ago
Because two users can be logged in at one time I use a custom user system
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