C#4mo ago

Open restore point code C#

im making a gui and wondering what the code is to open up your system properties to make a restore point manually
11 Replies
SpReeD4mo ago
What code do you mean? and what has it to do with your program? Do you mean sysdm.cpl?
Stix4mo ago
I have it able to make a restore point so if they want to revert anything they could but i dont know how to make it open system properties
SpReeD4mo ago
Run sysdm.cpl
Stix4mo ago
ok so Process.Start("sysdm.cpl"); ? That didnt work
Stix4mo ago
No description
Stix4mo ago
brought me here im trying to get it to bring me here
Stix4mo ago
No description
SpReeD4mo ago
It's the same cpl, my guess is that the latter was opened with admin privileges
Lex Li
Lex Li4mo ago
Almost all Windows operations are wrapped as PowerShell cmdlets, so for your case, use Checkpoint-Computer to write a .ps1 file, https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.management/checkpoint-computer?view=powershell-5.1 and then pass it to powershell.exe in Process.Start.
Checkpoint-Computer (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management) - PowerShell
The Checkpoint-Computer cmdlet creates a system restore point on the local computer. System restore points and the Checkpoint-Computer cmdlet are supported only on client operating systems, such as Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP. Beginning in Windows 8, Checkpoint-Computer cannot create more than one checkpoint each day.
jcotton424mo ago
pretty sure there are APIs for that
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