✅ My all the field not passing to the controller from view. Please take a look

It's like chat app where I'm paasing UserName and message from view to controller but only username is passing to controller. please help me
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8 Replies
Pobiega2mo ago
missnamed arguments
Serene Sphinx
Serene Sphinx2mo ago
Pobiega2mo ago
you call it Message in your view, but messageContent in your controller endpoint
Serene Sphinx
Serene Sphinx2mo ago
If im not wrong in method we can give any name
Pobiega2mo ago
you are wrong how would it know how to associate them if you can give it any name?
Serene Sphinx
Serene Sphinx2mo ago
As I use in method Okay respected person. Ill try now
Pobiega2mo ago
There is no method at this point. Its the view sending a POST request to the controller this is not the same as a C# method call
Serene Sphinx
Serene Sphinx2mo ago
Yes sir im running the code just a min Sir you are so great Thanks to you. I was trying to solve this since 10 Am solved really thanks to you. You came here to help me