Get current tab from outside of infolist

I've got a blade file containing an infolist that uses the tabs component. I want to be able to access the active tab name from outside of the infolist but I can't figure out a way to do this. PHP livewire component public function infolist(Infolist $infolist): Infolist { return $infolist ->schema($this->getInfolistSchema()); } private function getInfolistSchema() { return [ Tabs::make('Tabs') ->tabs([ Tab::make('Tab1') ->schema([ // tab 1 schema ]), Tab::make('Tab2') ->schema([ // tab 2 schema ]), ]) ->persistTabInQueryString() ->id('my-tabs'), ]; } Parent Blade component <div class="parentContainer"> Current tab is <!-- insert tab name here --> <livewire:my-tabber/> </div> Child Blade component <div class="childContainer"> {{ $this->infolist }} </div>
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