with-firebase example giving chrome web store violation.

Hey everyone, firstly huge thanks to plasmo trying to making developing web extensions more bearable. I'm building an extension and having trouble getting the firebase/auth example to pass review. The reason is this violation: ❌❌❌ Including remotely hosted code in a Manifest V3 item. Violating content: -> Code snippet: ---> assets/js/client.K6qFfDcY.js: -----> https://apis.google.com/js/api.js How to rectify: Ensure that all logic related to the extensions operation is included in the extension package. For more information please refer to the documentation on removing remotely hosted code & migration checklist on Manifest V3 version. ❌❌❌ The problem seems to come from the firebase auth package, which gets transpiled into the bundle. Have anyone had this problem? Does someone have an implementation which have passed chrome store review? I've been going a bit crazy trying to figure out what the issue is πŸ˜…
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