Filament2mo ago

I want to upload file in 2 collection using SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload

i want store sane upload file in 2 collection Here is my code public function registerMediaConversions(Media $media = null): void { // dd($media); $this ->addMediaConversion('preview') ->performOnCollections('employee_photo') ->fit(Fit::Contain, 300, 300) ->nonQueued(); $this ->addMediaConversion('large-preview') ->performOnCollections('passport_photo') ->fit(Fit::Contain, 475, 600) ->nonQueued(); $this ->addMediaConversion('thumb') ->performOnCollections('passport_photo') ->fit(Fit::Contain, 150, 200) ->nonQueued(); } i want store both employee_photo and passport_photo
1 Reply
prowler2mo ago
can u show the code of your current resource?