Dynamically disable form fields on variable change

Hello! I want to make for example this select disabled when the variable $showingConfirmation is changed to true but I can't find a way to do it yet It nevers disabled only when I send true as the initial value
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6 Replies
LeandroFerreira3mo ago
where is the variable? Are you using a custom LW component?
Daniel Esteves
Daniel Esteves3mo ago
Yes, custom LW component
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Daniel Esteves
Daniel Esteves3mo ago
Yes I'm doing exactly that 🤝 Let me send you the code of the component, give me a min
Daniel Esteves
Daniel Esteves3mo ago
This is the current file
Daniel Esteves
Daniel Esteves3mo ago
Just found out this issue https://discord.com/channels/883083792112300104/1116419723467436143/1116420202154954904 Selects cannot be disabled/not-disabled dynamically after initialization Will mark this as solved since I start using visible to render bot select and show one disabled or not depending on the variable, thanks for the help!