C#4mo ago

Is this UI a web application or a console application?(link inside)

I found this thing on YouTube and want to make something like it. here is its link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRigpQf5dRI&t=63s What is this UI? I am confused by the way it looks. A web app or console app or something else? Any help would be appreciated!
Cosmic Aerospace
Telemetry Dashboard for model rocket flight computers
Here is a little demo for a project I have been working on which uses serial communications from a flight computer and is then processed in Visual Studio in C#. Website: https://cosmicaero.space/ Edit: Please note that I am working on a 2nd version of the dashboard and is to be expected to release in mid-2024 with the Vega Series of the flight ...
66 Replies
canton74mo ago
Do you mean the Aduino editor?
Kakarott4mo ago
no this dashboard (image in the thumbnail)
canton74mo ago
You linked to 1:03, which is just before it starts scrolling through code in the Arduino IDE?
Kakarott4mo ago
no no see the thing displaying the graph graphs*
canton74mo ago
I can see something a bit blurry in the background of the thumbnail Not in enough detail to try and guess what it's written in
canton74mo ago
That's the default winforms icon IIRC
No description
canton74mo ago
But something simple like that you can do in most techs. Something webby, winforms, WPF, avalonia, etc etc
Kakarott4mo ago
yeah, other guys pointed that out to me
canton74mo ago
Don't cross-post btw Otherwise people waste effort answering stuff that's already been answered
Kakarott4mo ago
Actually I just joined the server that was my first post
canton74mo ago
You've posted here and in #chat
Kakarott4mo ago
canton74mo ago
That's cross-posting
Kakarott4mo ago
wasn't aware this server have a help group sorry
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canton74mo ago
I'm just saying, please don't post the same thing in multiple places (or if you do, link them together so people are aware), as a matter of principle. Most forums / chat systems ban it
Kakarott4mo ago
sorry you are seeing the code of that youtuber?
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Kakarott4mo ago
how ?????
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Kakarott4mo ago
I tried it too no it isnt but the project is free to use
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Insire4mo ago
it sure is
No description
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Kakarott4mo ago
is that a web app?
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Kakarott4mo ago
actually I want to make that graph ui thing
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Kakarott4mo ago
I have a microcontroller publishing data on Serial and I want to make graphs using it like the video did
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Kakarott4mo ago
that channel is not so active
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Kakarott4mo ago
but still I want to DIY it because I am really interested in C#
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Kakarott4mo ago
yes he did, and thanks to it I did understand its working. principles
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Kakarott4mo ago
I am trying to do something similar to this I completed the microcontroller code
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Kakarott4mo ago
and now I am figuring out the UI with the help of helpful people like you. actually, this guy runs a business kindof thing and I think that by the time he replies I will figure this and start working on it and since I am interested in learning C#, the things I learn from here will be useful for me By the way some other guy suggested to use FluentUI instead of winforms what do you say about it?
Insire4mo ago
fluentui is just a design, not a framework
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Kakarott4mo ago
WinUI? (The windows adaptation of FluentUI)
Insire4mo ago
i suppose you could use that
Kakarott4mo ago
thank you everyone but can you tell me one more thing @Insire , is winforms having some limitations? because 2-3 devs here told to use something else instead of it
Insire4mo ago
winforms has tons of limitations and many of them can be remedied by tons of work, compared to any of the xaml frameworks if you want good looking UI, with less effort than winforms, choose something using xaml for desktop: wpf, avalonia, winui and uno are options or you can choose something that uses web stuff (html, css, js)
Kakarott4mo ago
I want to go with WinUI for now
canton74mo ago
FWIW, I use OxyPlot for all of my graphing needs. It does the job well
Kakarott4mo ago
will check it too They replied. That software will be released by August
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Kakarott4mo ago
code will be released for free I read the documentation. I think this is good for drawing statistical graphs. and I think the ways of updating the plot when new data is published are not fast enough to support the new data coming after every 500 ms or 0.5 Hz
canton74mo ago
What makes you think that? I use it for real-time graphs updating every 30ms or so
Kakarott4mo ago
canton74mo ago
No library in the world is going to have trouble redrawing in 500ms
Kakarott4mo ago
actually I saw this in the docs: To update the plot, you must do one of the following alternatives: Change the Model property of the PlotView control Call Invalidate on the PlotView control Call Invalidate on the PlotModel so I that changing the models is going to be slow
canton74mo ago
The normal way is to just add some more points to the PlotModel, and call Invalidate to trigger a redraw
Kakarott4mo ago
okay, I understand it now
canton74mo ago
But, nothing in the UI world takes 0.5s to render. Imagine how laggy your application would be
Kakarott4mo ago
my application will need to plot sensor readings as line charts. After every incoming data packet is read, the plot must be extended. so in long time the amount of data to be rendered will increase so much to make the system slow I could not find a way of just extending the lines of the graph
canton74mo ago
Is this still just conjecture?
Kakarott4mo ago
Again I may be wrong but if you could watch the video of the demonstration and see how the graphs change. You could understand what is my concern here
canton74mo ago
"just" extending a line on a graph is... Hard. Axes need to be redrawn, scales change, etc.
Kakarott4mo ago
yes, indeed. the timestamp arround 3:30 in the video
canton74mo ago
So it's often quicker to just re-calculate them and redraw. Unless you have maybe 10,000 or 100,000 points, I doubt you'll notice any delay. If you have more, you should probably be manually decimating them anyway
Kakarott4mo ago
it wont be 100000 points, but I do want the graphs to update like in that video no the dashboard
canton74mo ago
I'm not sure what else to say. I've done this plenty of times, with a little bit of intelligence it isn't a problem Virtually any graphing library will handle 2Hz
Kakarott4mo ago
okay I will do some trials