Bug Reporting
Bug Affect: The Bug is Affect My Game Because the Voice Button Disappears like i can hear anyone talking but i cant talk
is it in all servers: No That Server IP That Voice Bug Disappears : and That One Not Disappears :
Bug Explaination: In the login menu, the voice button is there, but when it spawns, I don't know where the voice button is
What Should be Happen: i Will play calmly with my voice server

App Version: 13.5
CLEO & AML & MonetLoader: Yes i Will provide it with screen shoot
Modified Game Files: Yes I Just turn it on and don't change the data
Playtime: 1 minute
Bug Affect: The Bug is Affect My Game Because the Voice Button Disappears like i can hear anyone talking but i cant talk
is it in all servers: No That Server IP That Voice Bug Disappears : and That One Not Disappears :
Bug Explaination: In the login menu, the voice button is there, but when it spawns, I don't know where the voice button is
What Should be Happen: i Will play calmly with my voice server

App Version: 13.5
CLEO & AML & MonetLoader: Yes i Will provide it with screen shoot
Modified Game Files: Yes I Just turn it on and don't change the data
Playtime: 1 minute
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