Plugin Date Range Picker Problem
I want to use daterangepicker for my period covered.
If anyone tried to use this, what is the correct data type or any fix needed in my period covered.
tried: String, date, datetime, timestamp and long text. all did not work.
Hopefully anyone can help me especially @PovilasKorop my favorite Youtuber.
Date Range Filter and Picker by Majid M. Al Zariey - Filament
This package uses the daterangepicker library to filter a date within a range.

2 Replies
You're storing a string of two dates into a column that is only accepting one date.
You either need to store "04/01/2024 - 04/30/2024" in a string column or separate into a 'period_start' and 'period_end' columns.
this is my last resort. Thank you. this solve the problem